core banking|T24 Outbound Capability

Web Services Temenos provide two type of Web-services for Outbound capabilities:

REST Services

This is also known as Interaction Framework based IRIS open source. These are ReSTful for Temenos T24

SOAP Services

This is also known as TWS (Temenos Web Services). T24 Inbound Integration we will use mainly TWS generated artefacts that allow the input and amendment of data records in T24.

Integration Framework

Temenos Integration Framework is an event driven, xml message emitter that allows for a single event in T24 to be propagated to many downstream systems.

There are some third party Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) available in market to work with Temenos T24. Some of them are:

  • Mulesoft ESB
  • Oracle ESB
  • Fiorano ESB
  • TIBCO Adaptor
Written on May 21, 2021